ACFE(Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)
舞弊稽核師協會(Association of Certified Fraud Examiners,ACFE)是國際上公認最重要的反舞弊專業組織,且是反舞弊培訓及教育的主要提供者,其歷史雖僅約34年,卻已經在美、加、中、英、紐、澳、中東等國有了龐大的會員組織,協會的宗旨在致力於打擊白領犯罪,成員背景則包含了會計人員、審計人員、稽核人員、電腦鑑識人員、企業安全主管、企業法務遵循主管、刑事調查官、檢察官、律師、執法人員、犯罪學者等。ACFE擁有聲譽極高的會員網絡力量,一起為降低全球舞弊風險及成本並建立群眾對舞弊稽核師(Certified Fraud Examiners ,CFE)之信心和CFE行業的客觀、獨立而努力。
ACFE總部位於美國德州奧斯汀,於1988年由卓越的反舞弊專家及作家Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA所創建。Dr. Wells出身美國聯邦調查局,憑藉其優秀的洞察力、觀察力形成當時眾人的共識,即如今所通稱的舞弊調查(fraud examination)。
CFE (Certified Fraud Examiners)
「CFE」在全世界是受到認可的,CFE證照給您的,不僅僅是被認可,當您成為 CFE,您將擁有以下的能力:
• CFE可使增加個人所得
Increase your earnings – CFEs earn 34% more than their non-certified colleagues.
• CFE可保護你的組織
Protect your organization from fraud and help impact your organization’s bottom line.
• CFE可贏得專業信譽
Earn professional credibility – Demonstrate your anti-fraud knowledge and expertise
to your clients, employer and peers.
• CFE可提升你的職業生涯
Advance your career – Continually build your anti-fraud expertise and professionalism
with world-class training and resources.
• CFE可提高你的市場價值
Enhance your marketability – Robert Half International identifies the CFE as "indemand...
one of the most marketable credentials today." And nearly 90% of Fortune 500® companies employ at least one CFE.
CFE也會因其專業技能而獲得豐富的物質回報。最近ACFE公佈之“薪酬指南”;該報告全面反映了不同行業、職能領域以及不同職位反舞弊專業人士的薪資收入。該報告顯示,CFE專業人士增長迅速且需求巨大;與未獲得執業資格的同業人員相比,其收入高出 22%。Bishop表示:目前,CFE供不應求,並且市場需求似乎還在逐漸擴大。
ACFE Mission(使命):
The mission of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is to reduce the incidence of fraud and white-collar crime and to assist the Membership in fraud detection and deterrence. To accomplish our mission, the ACFE:
1.Provides bona fide qualifications for Cer tified Fraud Examiners through administration of the CFE Examination
2.Sets high standards for admission, including demonstrated competence through mandatory continuing professional education
3.Requires Certified Fraud Examiners to adhere to a strict code of professional conduct and ethics
4.Serves as the international representative for Certified Fraud Examiners to business, government and academic institutions
5.Provides leadership to inspire public confidence in the integrity, objectivity, and professionalism of Certified Fraud Examiners